It is extremely hard to focus on tasks for prolonged amounts of time. There are tons of tools online that can help you "be more productive" or that can optimize your workflow to stay attentive.
What these tools are missing however is that they have no idea what state the user is in. Highly advanced tools might be able to profile you, but this is no where near enough to be truly productive. Some days are simply a bit more rough than others, and these systems won't be able to know how you are doing.
Therefor we present
Focus is an EEG powered assistive learning tool, that measures your attention levels directly from the brain in real time. The application will analyze your brain signals, and visualizes this for you in a clear and readable graph.
In the future the app will be able to give focus reports, as well as determine when the optimal times for breaks are. This allows you to take enough breaks, without having to waste time when you don't need them.

Clicking the activity summary will give you a summary of the selected hour.

This system will allow students to find their own learning rhythm, as well as optimally use their studying time. Our dream is to revolutionize the way people learn, so that no minutes are wasted due to unwanted distractions or inattention.
Of course there are many hurdles to overcome. Especially since BCI is very unknown to so many people. Therefore it is extremely important to do enough market research, but also research into engagement and optimal studying.
Focus uses a Matlab/Simulink system that extracts EEG signals in real time.
We believe Focus could revolutionize education. It is something that can be done, and should be done, as the possible gains are immense.
Are you someone who has focus for the future? Send us a message, and help collaborate to make Focus reality.
Thank you!