My name is Ethel Pruss and I study Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University. I have a strong background in IT both from my current degree and previous experience from work and from a previous technical diploma related to programming and systems administration. Some of my main skills include Python, R, machine learning, and web development. My particular areas of scientific interest are brain-computer interfaces (BCI), social and assistive robots, and human-computer interaction.
Currently, I am working on my thesis, which combines BCI with social robots: "An EEG-Based Adaptive Language Learning Application with a Robot Tutor." This involves developing a passive BCI system that assesses the user's engagement levels during language learning tasks and modifies the content and teaching style based on drops in engagement in order to assess whether this type of adaptivity is beneficial for learning outcomes and engagement. Additionally, I'll be investigated the role of embodiment by comparing outcomes with a physical robot to those with a virtual robot.
Alongside my studies, I have also been working for Tilburg University in various roles: as a mentor for new students, a board member representing student interests and for the most part, as a teaching assistant for Statistics I, Statistics II. For smaller assignments, I also helped with the courses Research Skills: Data Processing and Data Structures and Algorithms. Most recently, I've started a role as an educational systems developer which will be focused on creating innovative learning materials with R Studio Cloud, R Markdown and LearnR in collaboration with EDUiLAB (Educational Innovation Lab).